Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We All Got Needs

It was a tough Monday. Which followed a long weekend of getting stuff done around the house. I NEEDED this wine. And I needed the quietness that follows after both kids are in their beds and Clay and I fall back into the couch and relax.

The wine was just poured when I heard footsteps. And giggles. The sounds of a little boy sneaking out of his room when he should be sleeping.  And my tempered flared and I stomped into the living room ready to drag my boy back to his bed and reclaim my zen.

But how could I stay mad at that face?

So he stayed. For a few minutes at least. Enough time for him get some mumma & daddy time without a little sister demanding half the attention and half the hugs.  He needed that. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that's the sweetest thing (and sometimes it hard to remember as well!). They just need that special cuddle and that reassurement that they are still so loved.
